
October 16, 2011 § Leave a comment

My husband has turned out to be the pasta making master of the family. He was inspired to try out a few ravioli recipes tonight from the Il Viaggio Di Vetri cookbook. One was a butternut squash with goat cheese and walnuts in a brown butter sauce. Another was an eggplant ravioli with goat cheese and tomato fondue and the last was a mushroom and sausage ravioli. They were all amazing.

I served as the pasta roller which I am getting pretty good at.

Not bad, huh?
I think the longest time went into making all the fillings. The ravioli themselves came together pretty quickly.
 I don’t know if it was beginners luck or what, but they all turned out great. I was partial to the butternut squash since it’s like a little pillow of autumn.

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