volunteering research continues

March 6, 2011 § 2 Comments

It always seems something terrible is happening in the news. This week reminded me about the good side of humanity; there are so many people in this community helping each other everyday. Each week I do this project I realize just how much there is around you when you open your eyes and explore a bit. There are so many amazing volunteering opportunities in Boulder alone.

I feel like I’ve only scratched the surface of learning about what there is to do around me and I want to do more research before deciding where to contribute. I have a couple of other appointments scheduled this week, particularly to learn about Veterans’ services.

I have learned/decided a few things so far:

1) I need to be realistic about my time – I found myself wanting to get involved in everything I heard about this week, but that isn’t realistic. Many programs require a weekly commitment which is just not feasible with my travel schedule. In the case of Boulder Reads, aside from the weekly commitment they have a 5 week training schedule every Thurs night before you can start. I know I won’t be able to make it to that training because of upcoming travel. In cases like this I do wish organizations would consider other options for professionals with less flexible work schedules. I would be willing to do a weekend training instead.

2) I need to think not only about my own interests but where I could actually make the most impact. While Boulder Reads doesn’t seem like it will be an option, they did refer me to the Boulder Valley Family Literacy Program. This program helps children and adults further their education through ESL, tutoring and GED classes. I think I could have more impact with this organization because I speak Spanish & have tutored & taught ESL in the past.

I am going to keep doing some research so I can find the best fit. Volunteering is a commitment and I want to make sure I can hold up my end. There are a lot of inspiring opportunities out there. It’s good to know there are so many people doing good in the world. I will soon get back to being one of them.

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§ 2 Responses to volunteering research continues

  • Diana Sherry says:

    Thanks for all the great work you are doing advertising ways in which people can make a difference, and thanks for including BoulderReads! in that.

    I just wanted to respond to your wish that BoulderReads! offer a weekend training for folks who find our weeknight schedule undoable. We have, in fact, offered weekend trainings several times in the past, but when we have done that, we have gotten numerous complaints from people who want the training during the week! We just couldn’t get enough of a crowd to want to come at that time to make it workable.

    Hopefully at some time our training schedule will work out for you, because we would be pleased to have such a go-getter as one of our tutors.

    Keep up the great work you are doing!
    Diana Sherry, BoulderReads! Director

  • dshively says:

    Thank you for checking out the post, Diana, and for taking the time to talk with me. I am going to see how my travel looks when you offer your next training and if I can do it, I’d love to come. Thank you also for the info about the Boulder Valley Family Literacy program since I think I could be of help there since I speak Spanish. I will give Karen a call this week.

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